The MEP Written Declaration
Through the written declaration 39/2011, MEP Edite Estrela, vice-chair of the European Parliament (EP) Women’s rights and Gender Equality committee, and the co-submitting MEPs Véronique Mathieu (EPP), Jean Lambert (Green), Katarína Neveďalová(S&D) and Roberta Angelilli (EPP) as well as international organisations all over the world call on you to support a global movement calling for 22 September to be recognised as the UN’s International Day of the Girl.
We are calling on the members of the European Parliament to support an upcoming Canadian resolution at the UN General Assembly to declare September 22nd as an ‘International Day of the Girl’. An International Day is a powerful way to highlight the particular needs and rights of girls and to advocate for greater action and investment to enable girls to reach their full potential.
The MEP Written Declaration 39/2011 calls on the European Union to actively support the UN Resolution for an International Day of the Girl.
It instructs its President to forward this declaration, together with the names of the signatories, to the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, to the Commission, to the Council and to the Parliaments of the Member States.
What’s next?
Canada will submit a proposal at this year’s UN General Assembly for the annual Girl Child Resolution to proclaim September 22nd as an International Day of the Girl.
The MEP Written Declaration calls on the EU and Member States to give their support for the proposed additions.
When we have an internationally recognised day in honour of girls, we are one step closer to eliminating barriers to equal rights for millions of girls in the poorest regions of the world.